i can think of reasons why school should not open tml. (or at least not until i say so)
1. i cant find my homework.
2. im in no condition for school now (you'll understand tml)
3. im still in holiday mood!
4. i dun wna hear all those teachers go "you only have 3 months left blah blah blah..."
5. i dun wna hear the baboon go "you're the top 15%.." (or was it 10%?)
6. i just dun want
7. i still want my 10 hours of sleep every night.
8. cos i feel disappointed
9. ... the list goes on. i can crap out another few million reasons. but i can't be bothered. cos im still feeling pek chek. no, im not pek chek. im highly, super, uber pek chek. yingen, i wasn't overseas. i was supposed to be at ubin for camp last week. that's still singapore right? anyway. due to some unforseen circumstances.. hai. why do these things happen to me? boo. never ever felt so disappointed in my whole entire life before. haiya. i cant turn back time can i? i wish i could though.
i've lots of explaining to do tml.. and lotsa of stuff to settle also. brain no space alrealy lah.
last few weeks and weekends were really eventful.. so many many stuff happening! firstly let me express my greatest disappointment to the two lecturers of the two seminars. im sorry but i literally learnt nothing. im super pek chek and highly disappointed. i think tszman is super smart. haha. i wont tell you why! it's a secret. half my monday was wasted train-hoping and being annoyed at the seminar.. went to meet alene and mika for lunch after their x-men movie.. pasta mania! yummy. now i finally realised why i've been so horribly broke. went rousy's after that didnt really do much cos i was kinda tired. =(
tuesday was another morning wasted.. lunched and went rousy's once again. took a taxi home cos my shoes betrayed me. i sure know how to spend money eh. i want to go israel this year after my o levels! want want want! but as you can tell im in financial difficulty.. shopping may have to be cut down, and i may need to go look for a holiday job. maybe i should set up a 'save alena' fund. what crap.
did some talking with some people and alot of thinking the past few days.. and i really cannot understand certain things. i think i think too much. but sometimes i can sort of read people's minds by their expressions. over-sensitivity? i dunno. sometimes people dont mean what they say. why like that? if you dont mean it.. what for say? for fun? it's not fun playing with other people's feelings.
just now at home got short circuit. scare my aunty until she started screaming. thank God nothing serious happened.
cant wait for tml! =)
"sometimes things are not what you think it is.. sometimes it's not that simple.."
what is this world turning into? it's not just about me myself and i you know? do appreciate the efforts and people who are just there.. before you lose them... dont take things for granted as if the whole world is indebted to you. you're not the only living soul in this earth ya?
the truth didnt really shock me. i kinda expected it somehow... but to think is one and reality another.. sometimes the simplest thoughts mean the most. but why do people always add ill intention to simple acts? why complicate matters that are so simple? lousy people.
sometimes living in a house that has people quarrelling every single day can be really depressing. peace and quiet please? every single night without fail. shout scream cry. no sense of consideration at all. haven't you all got a heart? think it's really fun? please go find somewhere else to do your quarrels..
it was kinda pek cheking and disappointing today's seminar.. i expected much more substance. waste money only. to the person siting beside me today. if you're so not interested.. turn up for what? listen to your silly noisy music the whole way. i seriously dont see your purpose of turning up. and to the other person who let out the horrible vulgar word.. please please be more cultivated? what so great about that vulgar word? a way to show that you're grown up? i dun think so.
"God gave you two ears and one mouth. listen more and talk less please."
today's group snuggle was fun.. im in alpha group 1.. ANKITA! lalala! i think our flag is beautiful.. thought i dun really know anyone there.. only valentia.. who wasn't here today.. coach elizabeth was really fun and cute! =) mika dear.. dun be sad bout it ya.. Daddy will make a way for everything! =) besides you have janey valencia ethel and me as your darling roomatees! lala!
after the briefing and snuggle.. amanda alene mika janey and i went walk walk around at marina square.. then janey mika and i went LJ to makan. then after that walk around and bought gummy from minitoons..
sometimes worldly stress and others comments can kill. thank God for grace.. really really saved my life. it's so so much easier living knowing that God values the lost the last and the least! haha there's hope for me! thank you dora for sharing so much with me on friday! thank you darling! =)
tml's english lesson would be conducted by charissa instead of lydia.. going for first tml!! know mika's blog was so detailed on the wednesday's outing? her memory was like wow! haha.
rest well everyone!

mika janey valentia ethel and me!=)

mika janey dora and me! i love you babes! =)
know this machines the print is so shing shing! haha. we all look so pretty in all the photos! lala!
hmm it's really really late.. bed time now! night night!
hmm. now where should i start. i just actually wanna thank all those sweet people who stand by me and hear all my nonsense and my crap, my mood swings and my highs and lows, ups and downs. probably mention some names.. if i dont mention yours.. im sorry!
2k04: you guys are one great bunch! best attendance! =) we rock yeah! jess my darling.. the sweetie pie.. jiahui my korkor.. we're supposed to come back together i didnt forget! justyne pokk.. thanks for the grade 8 notes for my long time ago exam! jinzhi the best/most organised pw group leader! huiling my ahgong chiusuen my ahma! jiayu mama! i love everyone single one of you!
muacks 3c/4c06: all the best for o levels guys! the most rahhrahh class for bonding camp! i want a rebonding! haha. shihui my siting beside mate! carrie my brother bear! jackie my bimbo! pearlie the chaota! yingen the snow white! thank you yingen for being so encouraging with all your tags and stuff! and thank you for my famous nickname! lol. thank you jiahui for asking me if im ok that day after oral.. =) huiyi my mummy! and all those guys siting around with all your lame jokes and drama everyday!
sexylucas: all the best for o levels too guys! though i dont really know how are all of you now.. i wish all of you the best.. all of you are so smart.. will be able to do well im sure! thank you for all the joy and laughter you guys brought.. i love you all! =)
LE dears: i miss all of you! jacq mummy, vinnie jie, tiffy mei, sheryl mei, cordy, althea, eunice, jul, elina and all the ushers! take care! =)
super-D: my dearest hunks and babes! you guys have been a great blessing to me! thought i only joined this year.. all you love and warmth has really shown me that Daddy has blessed me so so much! with all of you! especially yesterday's outing! i had loads of fun! i've seen Daddy through all of you and have really been so encouraged by all you testimonies! alene my dear.. thank you so much for encouraging me when i needed someone to pour out my troubles to.. and for constantly reminding me how good Daddy is. janey: thank you so much for entertaining me when im bored! and for listening to all my complains and worries.. and encouraging me! nick: thank you for being the very first friendly guy i met in new creation! for all the self-entertainment and jokes! =) mika: for all those big hugs and chit chatting.. and for yesterday's blading! you're the pro! shavonne: for all the poke pokes on my tummy everytime you see me! thank you everyone who has made a difference in my life! all the green tea.. purple pens and the pretty photos! i love you all!
laoda and jiaxin.. thank you for always chatting with me and coming up with the lame-est stuff! =)
evelyn 'daddy'! a.k.a zhuzhu? haha! big hug!
"count your blessings!" =) i've just counted mine! you're all my blessings!
using another com.. so everything's back in english! ha! it feels better with english. i feel normalised. =p
today was an uber great day! thank you super-d hunks and babes for making my day! thank you ben and jiayi for coming! so glad you enjoyed yourselves! thank you alene jiayi serene and mika for holding me through the blading! you guys saved my life! haha! claire.. take care ya dear? sorry if my screaming annoyed you.. it's just a way i let out fear.. and it's been with me for.. years! thank you coach for the game! thanks everyone for all the photos and all the food! =))
oh.. know what.. i just visited class blog. and i realised that i have so much school hw to complete! shucks.. if i can actually complete everything.. it's DEFINETELY grace!!! yay!adventure camp is only less than two weeks away! so looking forward to it! =)) green tea party! haha.
jiayu mama! i miss you loads too! =)
ok it's kinda late and i better go bathe! if i have time.. photos tml! hmm.. or maybe i'll wait till janey sends me the rest of them! =) goodnight everyone!

janey and me! =)

marika and me! =)

ethel and me! =)

lalalala! =p
i feel quote-ish today.. and slackish as usual. weird ideas poping up in my head again..
oh yes, thank you janey dear for the hillsong united cd! songs are great! love ya! =)
it suddenly dawned on me that certain things cannot be controlled with human effort.. thank you Daddy for all the favour today! =) oh that reminds me of something that happened on the bus last friday! =) though is not something big.. haha. and more favour and blessings to come!
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival." - C. S. Lewis
God sent his Singers upon earth With songs of sadness and of mirth, That they might touch the hearts of men, And bring them back to heaven again.
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival." - C. S. Lewis
oh i had one long day today. yawn. oh jackie! take photo of your ears and show me ya? haha! brave girl.. =)
tired. tired. tired. tired. tml's gna be another long day.. oh i'll post more photos when janey sends me the rest of them! =)
on monday... shihui jackie carrie and i went to eat.. MARCHE! come on everybody! DROOL!!!

look at how much food we bought! i shall attempt to name them all..
correct me if i make any mistakes! =p

fat chicken! with mashed potato! ohno, i forgot the name..

i know! this.. jumbo saussage!?

ehh.. haha shihui is better at naming this?

yes yes! i know i know! chicken crepe! aka my roti prata. yummm..

took this while eating! the moo moo is so cute!
okok.. this is one long story!! pearl is the tomato (fanqiexiannu) pearl's sun-burning! so black. hi chaota!
pearl's having.. facial! =p
pearl's friend corn joins her in a.. mud bath? eek!
ha! two spastic tissues! carrot tooth and bo-geay!
yay! after eating until super uber full.. tata! i think the moomoo looks like someone i know.. but cant remember...
YUM YUM! after we left marche.. went walk walk around.. then went to andersons! we sure know how to enjoy life! cookies and cream... macadamia nut... brownie! drool more! =p
TUESDAY 30 may
went to watch "over the hedge" with coach val, alene, ethel, janey and charmaine! yay beloved babes! =)
went shopping with my darling mummy! =) bought alot alot alot of things!
wow.. that's almost one week.. tml there's dare! hurray! =) i chopped my hair today and it's kinda short! bleaugh.. haha.. next week.. hai. i dunno what to do. rahh. next week then say lah! =)
why do people get married?
why do people feel wierd and insecure sometimes?
can't humans just be satisfied with what they have?
why does the brain think?
are there really problems that can't be solved?
is it possible to forget that easily?
what are many chasing for aimlessly in life?
why can't we just lead simple and happy lives?
why do people scheme and back stab? what good does it gain them?
how can someone love yet hate at the same time?
why is the world full of wierd people? (like me)
why did emotions come about?
why was the brain even created?
why do people feel lonely?
why do people enjoy ignoring?
how come people say one thing but mean another?
why it is so hard to be truthful to each other?
oh why on earth do i always think so much?